Sunday, May 06, 2007

These last few weeks...

Don't expect Blog Brilliance in this post, it's mainly pictures

At the Arts Festival (or mainly just a time for me to dork around with the statues)

At the All Lutheran Schools Track and Field Day

<--(Little Hannah and Big Hannah or Hannah Squared)

(My very favorite second Graders) -->

At Tennis State

Real blog later.


mqzoeller said...

Wow Hannah,
those are some really good pictures. Assuming that each of them are worth 1,000 words, I think you have yet again achieved "blog brilliance". Compared to your previous post though, you did not achieve "blog heaviness", but who shoots for that as a goal anyway?
At first I thought you were really milking that cow, but then I realized it was made of wood, and that maybe you got splinters from it, which would leave you in utter pain. (ah snap!)