Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Importance of Story

I know I've talked about it a lot, but I'm still pondering A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller and thanks to the NYG last week, it's been brought back into the forefront of my mind. Matt Popovitz spoke at the gathering and talked a lot about story... about the story that we're living, that God is using to tell the gospel.

Also that night at the mass event, there was a time of memorial for those groups who had lost youth group members or leaders since the last gathering. Most of you know that in 2008, we lost both a student and a leader within three months. We also have two other students who have lost parents (one this past year and another as an infant but through terrible circumstances). As the tribute began, I watched as my students stood, arms around each other, supporting one another.

I was struck then how powerful is the story of God. His grace, goodness, love, compassion.

How God has worked in the lives, the story of these students. How he is continuing to work good. How he is using, molding, strengthening and shaping them to be his story to others.